Cod Liver Oil

Diane suggested a cod liver oil and heat treatment on Dad’s tummy, which was a bit bloated and not working perfectly. Wow, things moved right along. So then I left Dad unattended on the toilet as I went to check cookies–briefly and so close by, I thought–but enough time for Dad to land on the floor. I called 911 and Chena Goldstream Fire and Rescue took Dad to the hospital, where Heather helped with the look over for possible broken bones. Nothing seemed amiss, and Dad came home again courtesy of the ambulance.

Meanwhile, Mom and I talked about aging and related issues. I was once again impressed by her grasp of things. A passing discussion was about Cuba, and she related Fidel’s brother was now in charge. Jeez. Here she is still amazing us with memory repair, and Dad is putting us in a different place. Mom puzzles about it too with much concern. She doesn’t know what to do to help him; she finds conversation with him difficult these days.

Sorry folks for my negligence on letting Dad fall. Thanks Alex for helping, to the rescue squad for doing good works again (anyone out there going to tell us some Niilo fire department stories?!!), and Heather for taking care of Dad. Boy, am I ever glad she had a cell phone today.


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