Niilo was up for hours today in the recliner given by Diane Preston. He received visits from Dae Miles (last night), Rob Mulford, Pat & Susan Kalen, June Thomasson, and Hospice volunteer DeVonne.
Each brought something special.
Dae, who has cleared the fields since Niilo’s hip replacement made it too difficult for Niilo, informed me that he has written and video clips of Niilo at: and at links from that page: Go see!
Rob helped with transfers, setting up an air mattress, moving some equipment, et al, and read aloud to Niilo.
Pat & Susan brought a good supply of honey their bees made on the Koponen homestead over the past decade and shared much interesting bee information with Niilo, Joan, Chena, and Heather. We also updated each other a bit on respective family news.
And of course Chena came from Chena Hot Springs Rd to help in myriad ways, as she has almost every day for 16 + years. Niilo gave poor Chena a scare by an episode of sleep apnea during which he wouldn’t wake up for what seemed like a lifetime; Next time he scares us like that he just might get pinched!
June visited and brought a fish pie, as Niilo loves fish; however, it was late so he will have it tomorrow.
DeVonne and Heather got surprised by Niilo walking 10 feet with the walker (and our moderate help) after brushing teeth, etc.
Thanks so much for each of your visits and contributions!