hi Heather! I just stumbled upon this website quite by accident – I have a big smile on my face as I type to you, and have often thought and wondered to and about you and family. I have to run to work right now and prep for a lecture (I teach chemistry at Keene State College in Keene, NH, where Tracy and I have lived for going on 10 years, after living in California for 15 years before that.) Our fraternal twin sons are now 23 years old, and Tracy works as the Reading Coordinator at the middle school here. I spend most of my free time mountain biking on the technical trails that abound in this area – the landscape here reminds me much of Fairbanks, actually, evergreens and deciduous and rolling hills.
I talked to Robin and Pauline this past Summer, and am often in contact with Bauricks (Richard and his wife come out here to visit every couple years, actually.) I’ve been renting out the little house on Koth Ct. now all these years, remotely, which has worked out nicely.
I hope you are well, and look forward to reading more of your blog.
best, -Bob