Re-Joy-Sing! early November 2009

. It was clearly a treat for Niilo to attend the Re-Joy-Sing! choir performance last night at the beautiful local Unitarian Fellowship. The spirited performance brought smiles, and afterward various attendees and choir members told Niilo how happy they were to see him.
. Old friend Jane W. called to say hello and ask who did Niilo’s portrait for the old campaign poster she has. Who knows the answer?
. Despite below-zero weather, Niilo continues making it to Quaker meeting weeks out of 4, but evenings are clearly the more lively times of day.
. Joan continues to visit Niilo several times a week, joining him for meals sometimes, and enjoying Ice Cream Socials best.
. At home, Joan delights in the numerous chickadees that frequent the bird feeders, as well as occasional grouse in the crab-apple tree, and fresh moose tracks in the yard.
. The 7-8-inch snowfall recently brought more beauty and quiet, and with this (and Chena’s guidance several days a week), Joan is cooking more again. Yum!


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