Civic Railroad Lines?…October snow, moose

Niilo has been talkative lately…He recently observed, “The Civic Railroad Lines are still in existence.  They run past the…east of the Kentucky…east of the RedTop Railroad.”  It seemed that the music that was playing, a Celtic Confusion CD, reminded him of this fact.  Does anyone know these railroads?  (For those who don’t Celtic Confusion, we love their music…You probably would too!)

Moose cow and twin calves and others have been recurrent visitors lately, trimming the wild rose hedges, grass, and crabapple tree.  Niilo, Joan, and all here delight in their visits right outside the window.

We have about 3 inches of snow.

Chena Ridge Friends Meeting Quakers have been building a wheelchair ramp and other accommodations to the gthering cabin, and are glad that Niilo’s need has been an impetus to getting it going.  It is great so far! though not yet complete.  (If anyone cares to donate to the cause, it would of course be welcomed.)


2 replies on “Civic Railroad Lines?…October snow, moose”

  1. Yes, Dad has been telling us interesting things. I have been so happy he has been awake and talking during the day when I have been there. He didn’t tell me about the Red Top RR, however, Heather, so I don’t have any answers on that one.

    When I gave him a hug goodbye yesterday, I said “see you later….” and he supplied the “….alligator” to me, with a grin and deep look in my eyes, which of course used many tissues on the way home. I can only imagine how it is for you, Heather, to interact with him every night. I find my days with him touching. Hardest for me, though, when we talk, and I feel the agony of not knowing what is in his mind and the drama of his illness.

    We went out to the mailbox with him today and he wasn’t so horrified by the bumps in the driveway as he was in the summer. I think getting outside is fab for all of us. Mom treks out often for mail and it has been late recently….great for seeing what’s new on the north side of the house. But even on the south side, a black and white (Tuxedo) cat has been enjoying the times the moose are not around. Gotta love the moose, though: from downstairs we watch them just a couple of feet away, and the calves look at us through the window without realizing Momma would say beware.

    At the voting booth tonight, everyone asked about Mom and Dad. Someone remembered about Gemini, the wolf. We are so lucky to live in such a close community, where the impact of Mom’s and Dad’s was great.

    I am pleased the moose like the fruit trees: in the summer Mom snaps off offending (in the way) branches without a care (always reminding me of her youth–and ours–hacking at bridle paths), so might as well give the moose pleasure. Later in the winter, Heather, don’t we just love seeing the larger birds (Bohemian Wax Wings, etc.) settle en masse to eat those lovely berries?

    Love the snow! Hope there is lots of it this winter. We need the cover for the perennials, and hope there are some who still will challenge the hill below the house for a hair-raising sledding run. I was not one of the kids who went at it for hours and hours, but maybe some of us oldies (but goodies?) will tackle it again and again. The brush and grass has been lately cleared, so it is a clear sail until a tree or other catastrophe stops the brave at heart!

    Thanks so much to those who are working to make places accessible to Dad and others who need it. Heather, do they need money or time or wood or what? I no longer bring Dad to Meeting, but would be pleased to donate a bit of wood (or something that is needed) to the cause. I know Dad’s involvement in Meeting has been absolutely core to who he is. Please let us know how we can help.

    Love, Chena

  2. Hi: You folks ought to be grateful that Sarah is away campaigning in the Lower 48, so she isn’t blasting away at your moose(s?) (meese?) from a helicopter. She’s been in big-ass trouble down here in riling up her red meat GOP audiences into a Nazi-like killer frenzy. Glad she had a public setback with Troopergate. Tell Niilo: Eteenpäin. Love, H.

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